Ten ways to have a happy husband

  1. Exercise and eat healthy. This is good for both, husband and wife. Exercise keeps you fit so you can look good for your spouse. Eating healthy makes you feel good and makes you a happier wife. Both keep you looking younger longer.
  2. Keep a clean home. He works all day and shouldn’t have to come home to a messy home if you stay home. If you don’t stay home keep a cleaning plan so the two of you can work together to keep your home clean. If you have children give them chores and let them help out too.
  3. Laughter is medicine for the soul. Laughter heals. Enjoy one another and keep laughing. Watch a funny movie together, tell jokes, tickle and play with one another. Keep laughter in your marriage.
  4. Be his friend. When he leaves for work tell him to have a nice day. Give him a hug good-bye. When he comes home greet him with a smile and a hello. How was your day honey. Be sincere and listen to his response. He works all day to support your home. Respect him and make him feel good about coming home.
  5. If you stay home or get home before he does burn his favorite candles. Make your home smell good. It’s always inviting to walk into a cozy home that smells good. If you enjoy baking bake cookies. Cookies make a home smell yummy.
  6. Love him with all your heart. Don’t use sex as a weapon and don’t withhold sex from your spouse as punishment. This is damaging to a marriage.
  7. Dont nag at your husband. especially if he has to work over or if he’s a few minutes late. He doesn’t want to work late, but he surely wont want to come home if his wife is nagging as soon as he walks in the door.
  8. Give him praises often. Tell him he looks nice. At least once a day tell him something nice about him. Build him up and he will want to be a better husband and this will make you a happier wife.
  9. Have dinner ready and the table set before he walks in the door. Time spent at the table is priceless. Walking in the door to a home cooked meal makes a happy husband. If you work from home or are a homemaker this is easy. What if you work outside the home? Bring dinner home, and set the table when you get home. Do whatever works best for your family and lifestyle but make sure you sit together as a family for dinner. These moments build stronger relationships.
  10. Pray for your husband. Ask God to keep him from temptation of whatever sin is a challenge for him. Pray for his time spent at work and his health. Lift him up to the Lord and ask God to make him a good husband leader in your home.

When one prayer isnt answered its because God has a greater plan.

I know God can take away cancer but sometimes He doesn’t. We have to understand there is a purpose for everything in our lives that happens. Good or bad, God is there. He carries us through the times we are too weak to walk this walk. I prayed for God to take away my cancer. You know those people who go to the dr. and are told they have cancer and return for another appointment and the cancer is gone. Yeah, I wanted that to be me! I prayed and asked God to please take it away. He is a God of miracles. He didn’t take mine away.

Was it because I lacked faith? Did I use up all my good prayers on other things that didn’t matter as much? Did God leave me? All these questions went through my head. No was the answer to all these. I had faith or I wouldn’t be seeking Him for help. God tells us to pray for everything. He didn’t leave me. I experienced Him throughout the illness and I still do. Some things happen because God has a greater purpose for us. I feel strongly I endured this so many will find salvation through Jesus Christ by my testimony. I have so many to share. When one prayer isnt answered it’s because God has a greater plan for us in the future. We don’t know what His plan is because we live in time. God is eternal.

When I started to recover I prayed and asked God to use me. I told Him I know the plans He has for me are great. I was still weak but strong-willed and wanted God to show me what I endured wasnt for vein. Within ten minutes of that prayer I received a phone call and my pastor wanted me to share my testimony in front of the church. This was a church of over 3,000 people. I couldn’t speak well because I had three-fourths of my tongue removed from cancer. I was so excited God answered my prayer so fast. That is a huge faith builder when God does this. All I had to do was make myself available and He used me.

My pastor contacted me the day after I gave my testimony. He said there was a man who visited our church that day. He didn’t go to church or believe in God. He wore leather, had long hair, had tattoos all over, and was a big tough guy. I’m not trying to stereotype because I know everybody needs jesus and there are plenty of people who go to church with tattoos. The man went to lunch with my pastor after church and told my pastor if I could go in front of the church and share my story fearlessly he wanted to know our God. He also told my pastor he was happy to see the love the church had for me.

Throughout the time I was sick God gave me so much. He was there when I needed Him the most. In this time He was sending people to me who needed to know Him. Because I had strong faith during this time I was and still am a living testimony of His love. I believe if one person came to know Christ through my illness it wasnt for vein. God used this time to grow my faith, bring others to know Him and make good changes in may people’s lives.

A Testimony During My Cancer Experience

I have decided to blog about my personal experience with cancer. Since it is the one thing that has turned my life upside down. Five years ago I was touched by cancer and it rocked my world. I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The drs. didn’t give me a good prognosis and told me it would be a miracle if I survived. My immediate response was, “You don’t know my Jesus and I don’t have an expiration date stamped on the bottom of my foot.” And so I chose to believe I would survive. I did and I am here to spread hope to all other people who endure cancer and other life challenges.

I am an artist and a visual person. Pictures make a story more real. I am sharing the following pictures not for you sympathy but so you can see how real cancer is and how far I have come becasue of my faith in God. These pictures are my during and after cancer pictures.

IMG_3498 IMG_0480

I would like to share about a particular story that was a serious turning point in my battle with cancer. I had chemo and a fifteen hour surgery to remove three fourths of my tongue and a muscle graft from my leg to my throat. (Then, radiation and more chemo to follow up the chemo and surgery.) I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t speak. Cancer is a lonely disease anyway but my inability to speak made me feel lost inside myself. My ex-husband (husband at the time) lacked compassion for me when I needed it most. So as he was impatient with my lack of speech I felt scared and began to wonder if I would ever speak again. I had a two hour trip to Nashville for a follow up after my surgery. I spent that two hour trip in tears and praying for God to give me a special message. I wanted him to answer me thorough a Dr or a person and tell me everything would be okay. I wanted to know I would speak again. The drs. told me that was a possibility, that I wouldn’t speak again. This was heavy on my heart. And so I asked God for a special message or for him to speak to me in a way I knew it was from him.

I made it to Vanderbilt in Nashville. The two hour trip felt like twelve. I cried and prayed the whole two hours there. After finding the ortolaryngology clinic I sat in the waiting room and prayed and cried some more. A woman across the room kept staring at me. I was used to this at this point. People stare when they see a cancer patient. Maybe the lack of hair, the scarf over my head or the NG tube hanging out my nose (used to feed me after my surgery.) I didn’t mind it at this point. She got up and slowly walked across the room to me. I had a notebook and pen in my lap. She asked to see it and began to write. This was unusual because most people just spoke to me but she wrote in my notebook. She said she was one of my Dr’s first patients and she told me I would be okay. She told me she felt compelled by God to tell me I would speak again one day. She was one of Dr. Burkeys first patients fifteen years ago. She reassured me of everything I asked God to reveal to me on the way there. She also confirmed she felt God tell her to get up, walk across the room, and deliver this message to me. God is great all the time. He revealed things like this to me throughout my illness. I will share more of these things in ‘Me and my journey.’

No matter how strong you are there are times in your life when you wont be strong enough to carry yourself through that moment. In those moments I leaned on God and found I made it. I couldn’t have done it on my own. Trust Him and lean into Him when you feel helpless. He will endure for you.

Healthy Hair and Skin

The best source of vitamins for hair loss and graying prevention and skin reproduction and to prevent cellular damage is deriven naturally through food and a healthy diet.

Biotin (a b-vitamin)- Lack of biotin leads to hair loss split ends and causes nails to become brittle and break. Biotin makes hair and skin healthy.

  • Lentils (beans), carrots, nuts, berries, avocado, eggs, soybeans

Vitamin A– Aids in the production of sebum. Sebum is produced by hair follicles and makes hair healthy. It also aids in the reproduction of cells for healthy skin.

  • carrots, fish oil, spinach, broccoli

Vitamin C– Healthy for hair and skin, prevents cellular damage, and boosts the immune system. It helps scalp circulation which helps the blood vessels that feed the hair follicules (thus creating healthy hair follicles).

  • oranges, lemons, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, blueberries, kale, swiss chard

Vitamin E– Makes hair healthy and shinny. Is also key in producing healthy skin cells.

  • sweet potatoes, nuts, avocados, broccoli, leafy green vegetables

Bs– Good for scalp circulation. It keeps hair strong and full. It also creates the skins youthful elasticity.

  • Avocado,

B5– prevents hair loss and gray hair.

Omega 3s- Stops and prevents inflammation (which leads to cellular damage and cancer). Helps the body make new healthy cells.

  • salmon, sardines, flax seed oil or ground flax seed, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds

Selenium– Prevents free-radical damage or cellular damage (preventing cancer).

  • Wheat germ, salmon, tuna, garlic, Brazil nuts, eggs, brown rice

Iron– carries oxygen to the skin and hair follicles.

  • lentils (beans), red meat, eggs, dark green vegetables, chicken, turkey, artichokes

Protein– Keeps hair strong. Hair is mostly protein. Protects and makes the skin healthy.

  • lentils (beans), red meat, turkey, chicken, eggs

Omega 3s– Good for the scalp and keeps the scalp and hair hydrated. This prevents breakage and makes hair both shinny and healthy. Helps prevent inflammation(which leads to cancer) and makes skin healthy. It promotes cellular turnover or reproduction of cells.

  • ground flax seed, fish oil, nuts, salmon

Selinium– contains cancer fighting antioxidants and prevents free radicals (cancer producing agents) from further cellular damage.

  • garlic, Brazil nuts, eggs, brown rice

Protein– Hair is made of protein and needs protein to grow and stay healthy. Skin needs protein to make new healthy cells.

  • meat, lentils, poultry

Beta Carotene– Your body turns this into vitamin A. Cells and hair need vitamin A to function properly.

  • sweet potatoes, kale, carrots, turnip greens, butternut squash, collard greens

Vitamin D– Dairy (milk and yogurt) aid in hair strength and hair skin and nails growth. The good enzymes found in yogurt are good for digestive health.

  • milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, dairy products

Lycopene– An antioxidant which is great for cellular damage prevention.

  • tomatoes

Healthy Advise

  • Use an SPF of 30 or higher in the sun. Protect yourself from those harmful UV rays. They cause skin aging and wrinkles.
  • Use retinoids on your skin as a regular regiment. Retinoids help produce collagen, clear up acne, unplug pores, and reduce lines and wrinkles
  • Exercise increases blood circulation, boosts endorphins, and helps reduce stress and depression. This reduces wrinkles, and boosts the immune system for over-all good health.
  • Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. A well rested body can function better and improved the functioning of the immune system. It prevents rapid aging. Good sleep produces hormones that help in the production of collegian and helps the functioning of your cells.
  • Enjoy life with a hobby or something that makes you happy. This promotes good health, healthy hair skin and nails by lessening acne, eczema, rosacea, and wrinkles. It aids in the good hormonal reproduction your body needs. Eat healthy, relax, and enjoy life.

Warm weather and the human barometer

I love the warm weather. Its difficult for those with chronic pain to adjust to a rapid weather change. It was freezing temps earlier this week and today its in the high thirties and low forties. When anyone suffers chronic pain it makes it difficult to live a normal life. Yesterday, though I hurt I thought about how nice it would be to have a regular job I could go to every day and how much people take it for granted having the ability to go to work. Today, as the pain is more severe the reality sets in why I do not have a job like the average person. Because I am not the average person. I do have blessings in this. When the blessings seem hard to find its best to look to all the positives and ponder all the possibilities. Upbeat music, good coffee, sunlight, and happy thoughts all lesson chronic pain. When I wake with pain I cannot stay in bed. I would think it would help to lay in bed and sleep in if I don’t feel well but my pain is worsened when I lay in bed. So I get out of bed. I shower and dress myself in a way that makes me smile and feel good about how I look. Even if I feel like the utmost worst, looking nice can bring a smile to a gloomy day. I love to write so I head to Starbucks and blog. Some days when the pain is less I make things. Crafting definitely takes one’s mind off pain. For today, I sit in Starbucks and soak up the aromas of all the different coffees, listen to soothing music and type my pain away. Chronic pain is here to stay. It never leaves me. Some days it is a 4 out of 10 and other days (like today) it is an 8 or 9 out of 10. And on those days I press into God and into whatever takes my mind to a better place. Even though I would rather be biking, hiking, running, socializing or working a daily job I will smile and do something that makes my day a sunny day. I could sit and be gloomy and mope for my gloomy day but I do not. I would rather shine and let anyone who understands chronic pain know there is hope. For I am created for something so much more than just me. I am created for the purpose of loving others and showing others love. I am created by God to show His glory in all things, even pain. If my job is surviving pain, then I will survive and let Him shine through me as though it is my full time job that I love. Today, I worship God in my toughest moments and thank Him for these moments. It is these moments that remind me how blessed I am to have the really good time! If this inspires just one person my pain has not been in vein but worth it for today. Be blessed.

Crockpot Bean Soup Recipe

Bean Soup Recipe

It has been rainy and I was looking for a good warm rainy day recipe. I went through my pantry and found the following ingredients made a perfect bean soup. It had great flavor and was a simple comfort food for our rainy day. It is packed with protein and super good for you!

Bean Soup Recipe

1/2 bag of mixed soup beans (rinsed and drained)
1/4 bag black eye peas (rinsed and drained)
1/2 bag of 16 oz mixed vegetables

* salt and pepper to taste and one stick of butter (optional)

Soak the mixed beans and black eye peas in water over night (salted). Add frozen vegetables. In crock pot cook on low for 8 hours. Serve with homemade fresh bread or rolls.

Health and Cancer Prevention with Super Foods and Super Fruits

Super Food and Super Fruits

Cancer fighting super foods and foods for good health are an important part of fighting illness and aging from the internal organs to the outward appearance of our body. I recently heard on the radio that America’s favorite dessert is fruit. WOW! I didn’t see that one coming at all. I thought it would be potato chips and high calorie soda drinks. I have done the research for years on the best cancer and illness fighting foods because I had cancer and I understand the value of eating a good clean diet. I will share them with you.

Broccoli contains phytonutrients valuable in fighting and preventing cancer.
Red Cabbage contains large amounts of phytonutrients(flavonoid phytonutrients) and glucosinolates. All these help fight and lower risks for cancer. Also, helps lower stress (which aids in the start of cancer.)
Ground Flaxseed (It has to be ground. Your body cannot digest whole flaxseed.) is an excellent source of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. It has been known to help shrink tumors.

Nuts! Brazil nuts contain selenium (which lowers the risk of cancer), fiber, and ellagic acid (an antioxidant that kills cancer cells.) Walnuts contain phytosterols (helps prevent cellular growth in certain cancers.) Almonds are good for the heart containing omega 3s.
Berries (especially those rich in color) prevent cancer, eat cancer cells, and boosts health with ellagic acid, antioxidents, phytoflavonoids, potassium, vitamin C and helps with anti-inflammation. These include raspberries, blue berries, black berries, acai berries, and strawberries.

Fresh water fish (not farmed) including salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel contain omega 3s (high in monounsaturated fats) which lowers the risk of heart disease, helps with arthritis, and may help prevent memory loss.

Soy is found in protein from oats, barley, almonds (also a good source of fiber and heart healthy), and margarine from plants sterols. It lowers cholesterol. It can be found in soy milk, tofu, and edamame.

Fiber lowers cholesterol, blood sugar, is a good source of protein, and aids in weight loss (makes you feel full longer.) Fiber also helps your body pass waste and unwanted chemicals (carcinogins) faster. Beans are a great source of fiber and good for protein as well.

Dark chocolate is packed with cancer fighting antioxidents and lowers blood pressure. Look for cocoa content 60 percent or higher and remember to use moderation. Dark chocolate contains less fat and less sugar.

Black and green tea both slows and prevents the growth of cancer. Black tea has a powerful antioxidant called ECGC (which slows cancer growth and lowers cholesterol.)

Tomatoes contain lycopene a carotenoid that inhibits cancer cellular growth. Cooking tomatoes increases its lycopene strenght and ability to fight cancer.

Garlic contains photochemicals preventing cancer growth.

Avocados are a super fruit which contains 20 essential nutrients, rich in omega 3s, and helps boost the immune system, weight loss, and cancer prevention.

Five Steps To Lesson Chronic Pain


1. Relax

  • Reduce stress. Stress makes chronic pain worse.
  • Play soft music (I use praise music.)
  • Meditate (I meditate on God.)
  • Guided imagery (I think of my favorite place, the beach.)
  • Guided Muscle Relaxation

2. Take care of your body. (Exercise & Diet)

  • Exercise naturally boosts your body’s endorphins which reduces pain and depression.
  • Exercsie increases blood flow increasing your ability to use prescribed medications, and a healthy heart.
  • Exercsie makes your muscles and bones stronger.
  • A healthy diet increases your body’s ability to fight cancer and other illnesses
  • A healthy diet fights depression (Depression and chronic pain interplay.)
  • Try juicing! Juice a colorful variety of fruits and veggies! Juicing naturally extracts natures vitamins and minerals helping fight illness, chronic pain, and makes the body feel better.
  • Eating healthy and exercise boosts the immune system making you feel and look better.
  • Always ask your dr. before beginning any new diet or exercise routine.

3. Friends, Family & Laughter

  • Having friends, family, or a support group increases your lifeline! True! Those with a good network of friends and family are proven to live longer.
  • Laughing with friends and family increases longevity!
  • Increases the way you feel about life, your situation, and your response to pain.
  • Love makes us feel complete and lessons depression and anxiety (which intensifies pain.)
  • If you don’t have family close, or a group of friends find a support group online or through your dr. Search for a church or join a fun group of people with like interests (ie: fishing, hunting, running, hiking, bowling, knitting, etc..)

4. Find a hobby, job you enjoy, and donate your time.

  • A hobby or a job you enjoy takes the focus of you, and off the pain.
  • A job you enjoy will increase your happiness, and refocus your pain.
  • Enjoy the job you have. You don’t have to look for a new job. Change your outlook on life and your job. Do it to your best ability God has given you and smile.

5. Find a way to donate your time.

  • Help in your community through a homeless shelter, local hospital or church. This will increase your sense of purpose. Life will have more meaning and takes the focus off you. Life is about so much more than just us and our pain. I understand this first hand.

Protein Smoothie Latte!

Protein Smoothie Latte!

8 ounces chocolate milk (heated to desired temp)
1 scoop chocolate or vanilla whey protein
1 Tbs. instant coffee (I love Starbucks individual packs but you can use any brand, approximately one to two teaspoons)

After your chocolate milk is warm stir protein mix and instant coffee for your morning coffee and protein shake in one. You can tweek this to your own taste or desired serving size.

I have a hard time getting my calories and protein due to the loss of three fourths of my tongue. This is a perfect way to get the protein and a few extra calories. Its also perfect if you run or work out early and want something to rebuild your muscles after a good exercise.