Healthy Hair and Skin

The best source of vitamins for hair loss and graying prevention and skin reproduction and to prevent cellular damage is deriven naturally through food and a healthy diet.

Biotin (a b-vitamin)- Lack of biotin leads to hair loss split ends and causes nails to become brittle and break. Biotin makes hair and skin healthy.

  • Lentils (beans), carrots, nuts, berries, avocado, eggs, soybeans

Vitamin A– Aids in the production of sebum. Sebum is produced by hair follicles and makes hair healthy. It also aids in the reproduction of cells for healthy skin.

  • carrots, fish oil, spinach, broccoli

Vitamin C– Healthy for hair and skin, prevents cellular damage, and boosts the immune system. It helps scalp circulation which helps the blood vessels that feed the hair follicules (thus creating healthy hair follicles).

  • oranges, lemons, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, blueberries, kale, swiss chard

Vitamin E– Makes hair healthy and shinny. Is also key in producing healthy skin cells.

  • sweet potatoes, nuts, avocados, broccoli, leafy green vegetables

Bs– Good for scalp circulation. It keeps hair strong and full. It also creates the skins youthful elasticity.

  • Avocado,

B5– prevents hair loss and gray hair.

Omega 3s- Stops and prevents inflammation (which leads to cellular damage and cancer). Helps the body make new healthy cells.

  • salmon, sardines, flax seed oil or ground flax seed, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds

Selenium– Prevents free-radical damage or cellular damage (preventing cancer).

  • Wheat germ, salmon, tuna, garlic, Brazil nuts, eggs, brown rice

Iron– carries oxygen to the skin and hair follicles.

  • lentils (beans), red meat, eggs, dark green vegetables, chicken, turkey, artichokes

Protein– Keeps hair strong. Hair is mostly protein. Protects and makes the skin healthy.

  • lentils (beans), red meat, turkey, chicken, eggs

Omega 3s– Good for the scalp and keeps the scalp and hair hydrated. This prevents breakage and makes hair both shinny and healthy. Helps prevent inflammation(which leads to cancer) and makes skin healthy. It promotes cellular turnover or reproduction of cells.

  • ground flax seed, fish oil, nuts, salmon

Selinium– contains cancer fighting antioxidants and prevents free radicals (cancer producing agents) from further cellular damage.

  • garlic, Brazil nuts, eggs, brown rice

Protein– Hair is made of protein and needs protein to grow and stay healthy. Skin needs protein to make new healthy cells.

  • meat, lentils, poultry

Beta Carotene– Your body turns this into vitamin A. Cells and hair need vitamin A to function properly.

  • sweet potatoes, kale, carrots, turnip greens, butternut squash, collard greens

Vitamin D– Dairy (milk and yogurt) aid in hair strength and hair skin and nails growth. The good enzymes found in yogurt are good for digestive health.

  • milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, dairy products

Lycopene– An antioxidant which is great for cellular damage prevention.

  • tomatoes

Healthy Advise

  • Use an SPF of 30 or higher in the sun. Protect yourself from those harmful UV rays. They cause skin aging and wrinkles.
  • Use retinoids on your skin as a regular regiment. Retinoids help produce collagen, clear up acne, unplug pores, and reduce lines and wrinkles
  • Exercise increases blood circulation, boosts endorphins, and helps reduce stress and depression. This reduces wrinkles, and boosts the immune system for over-all good health.
  • Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. A well rested body can function better and improved the functioning of the immune system. It prevents rapid aging. Good sleep produces hormones that help in the production of collegian and helps the functioning of your cells.
  • Enjoy life with a hobby or something that makes you happy. This promotes good health, healthy hair skin and nails by lessening acne, eczema, rosacea, and wrinkles. It aids in the good hormonal reproduction your body needs. Eat healthy, relax, and enjoy life.

Crockpot Bean Soup Recipe

Bean Soup Recipe

It has been rainy and I was looking for a good warm rainy day recipe. I went through my pantry and found the following ingredients made a perfect bean soup. It had great flavor and was a simple comfort food for our rainy day. It is packed with protein and super good for you!

Bean Soup Recipe

1/2 bag of mixed soup beans (rinsed and drained)
1/4 bag black eye peas (rinsed and drained)
1/2 bag of 16 oz mixed vegetables

* salt and pepper to taste and one stick of butter (optional)

Soak the mixed beans and black eye peas in water over night (salted). Add frozen vegetables. In crock pot cook on low for 8 hours. Serve with homemade fresh bread or rolls.